Hazara Genocide Archive

Mohammad Ali

Detailed information

Full Name: Mohammad Ali
Father's Name: Khair Mohammad
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Marital Status: Married
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation: Farmer
Was living in: Peshtroq village, Khedir district, Daykundi province, Afghanistan
Killed on: November 15, 2021
Killed in: Torture
Perpetrators: Taliban
Buried in: Hometown
Country: Afghanistan
Telephone: No
E-mail Address: No
Consent letter:

Mohammad Ali, victim of

Khedir Daykundi

Fourteen policemen who laid down their weapons and surrendered to the Taliban in Khadir district of Daikundi province were shot by the Taliban on the spot. A little girl who was standing near her father was also shot. Watch the clip...

چهارده پولیس که در ولسوالی خدیر ولایت دایکندی اسلحه خود را زمین گذاشته و تسلیم طالبان شده بودند، توسط طالبان در محل تیرباران شدند. یک دختر کوچک که نزدیک پدرش ایستاد بود نیز تیرباران شد.