Hazara Genocide Archive

Qasim Ali

Detailed information

Full Name: Qasim Ali
Father's Name: Zafar Ali
Gender: Male
Age: 00
Marital Status: Uncleared
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation: Uncleared
Was living in: From Lal-o-Sare Jangal, but was living in Kabul Afghanistan
Killed on: October 6, 2018
Killed in: Gunmen fired
Perpetrators: Government military
Buried in: Hometown
Country: Afghanistan
Telephone: No
E-mail Address: No
Consent letter:

Qasim Ali, victim of

Lal-o-Sare-e-Jangal Asadabad

The government military attacks Assad Abad village in Lal-o-Sare Jangal, Ghor province of Afghanistan to capture Ali Poor, but opened fire on civilians, where 9 men, women and children killed.

ارتش دولت برای دستگیری علی پور به روستای اسد آباد در منطقه لعل و سر جنگل ولایت غور افغانستان رفته بودند و وقتی موفق نشدند علی پور را پیدا کنند، به سوی غیرنظامیان تیراندازی کردند که در نتیجه آن ۹ نفر غیر نظامی کشته شدند.