Hazara Genocide Archive

Sayed Jawad Hussaini

Detailed information

Full Name: Sayed Jawad Hussaini
Father's Name: Mohammad Hussain
Gender: Male
Age: 00
Marital Status: Single
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation: Video editor, ToloTV
Was living in: West Kabul, Afghanistan
Killed on: January 20, 2016
Killed in: Suicide attack
Perpetrators: Taliban
Buried in: Hazara graveyard west Kabul
Country: Afghanistan
Contact facilities (phone, e-mail, residence):
Consent letter:

Sayed Jawad Hussaini, victim of

Journalists of Moby Media Group

At least 7 members of Tolo TV’s staff were killed in Kabul when a minibus taking a group of the TV station’s employees to their homes was rammed by a suicide bomber in another vehicle carrying explosives. Taliban claimed reponsibility.

دست‌کم 7 تن از کارکنان تلویزیون طلوع در کابل کشته شدند که یک مینی‌بوس که گروهی از کارمندان تلویزیون را به خانه‌هایشان می‌برد، توسط یک بمب‌گذار انتحاری در موتر حامل مواد منفجره دیگر اصابت کرد. طالبان مسئولیت را بر عهده گرفت