Hazara Genocide Archive

Fatima Sultani

Detailed information

Full Name: Fatima Sultani
Father's Name: Mohammad Ibrahim
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Marital Status: Single
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation: Student of 12th grade
Was living in: From Malistan district, but was living in Barchi, West Kabul, Afghanistan
Killed on: November 12, 2018
Killed in: Suicide attack
Perpetrators: ISIS
Buried in: Hazara graveyard west Kabul
Country: Afghanistan
Contact facilities (phone, e-mail, residence):
Consent letter:

Fatima Sultani, victim of

Malik Asghar Square Kabul

ISIS suicide bombers attacked Hazara protesters near Kabul Citadel, killing 5 people and wounding 20 others. Suicide attacks took place shortly after noon in front of the presidential palace, where a large number of protesters marched to call for immediate action by the government to protect the people of the Jagori and Malistan districts, who had been under heavy attack by the Taliban for several days.

حمله انتحاری داعش به تظاهرکنندگان هزاره در نزدیکی ارگ کابل ۵ کشته و ۲۰ زخمی برجای گذاشت. حملات انتحاری اندکی بعد از ظهر در مقابل ارگ ریاست جمهوری صورت گرفت، جایی که شمار زیادی از معترضان برای خواهان اقدام فوری دولت برای محافظت از مردم ولسوالی های جاغوری و مالستان که تحت حملات شدید طالبان قرار گرفته بودند، راهپیمایی کردند.