Hazara Genocide Archive

Mohammad Juma

Detailed information

Full Name: Mohammad Juma
Father's Name: Mohammad Hussain
Gender: Male
Age: 60
Marital Status: Married
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation: Farmer
Was living in: Manami village, Kety District, Daikudi, Afghanistan
Killed on: June 15, 2008
Killed in: Gunmen fired
Perpetrators: To be determined
Buried in: Hometown
Country: Afghanistan
Telephone: Yes
E-mail Address: No
Consent letter:

Mohammad Juma, victim of


Seven Hazara passengers are on their way to their hometown Manami village in Daikundi province. A group of Taliban armed men stop them at the Dasht-e-Seminar in the Baghran district of Hilmand province and take them out of their car and shoot them all on the spot. Mohammad and his father, along with seven other passengers are on their way to their hometown Manami village, Katie district of Daikundi province in Afghanistan, where their vehicle is stopped by unknown gunmen in Dasht-e-Seminar in Baghran district of Hilman province. Armed men take them out from the car and shoot them all on the spot.

هفت نفر مسافر هزاره در راه به طرف روستای شان منامی در ولایت دایکندی هستند. گروهی از افراد مسلح طالب آنها را در منطقه ای بنام دشت سمینار واقع ولسوالی باغران در ولایت هلمند متوقف می کنند و همه را از موتر بیرون کشیده تیرباران می کنند.